Tuesday, May 14, 2019

First off let me apologize for the delays in my updates.
the last few months have been very hectic preparing for what will be a trip of a lifetime.
In the last two months, I have had to close out all the projects I was working on at work and say goodbye to my colleges many of whom I had worked with for over 11years.
I then went on to sell my house and most of my worldly procession, I refer to this as deconstructing my life and was far more difficult (emotionally) than I had expected.
As of May 3rd, I became unemployed (Temporarily Retired as I like to say). On May 10th I became technically homeless, But one of my good Freinds Beau has been kind enough to let me stay in his guest room until I depart.
So for the last few days, I have been trying to finish up all the little tasks on my list and visit with as many friends as possible.
I have had to chance to see more people than I would have expected.
On Friday I leave for one last camping trip with my dad and older brother (hope to post some photo of this)
Next Tuesday I will bored a train in Windsor and head out to Toronto and spend the night there in hopes of seeing a few more friends before I fly out on Wednesday evening destined for Amsterdam.
This will the official beginning of my trip around the world.
I expect this adventure to take anywhere from 1-3yrs.

Thanks for reading I will be updating far more frequently in the coming days/weeks


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